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We are committed to offer an excellent service – oriented Christian Education.

As an institution of learning, SFAS is committed to an authentic education that is founded on the principles of Christianity and academic excellence. In the pursuit of this mission, the school is further committed to provide service and leadership to the community.

To TEACH the fundamental knowledge of moral and religious truths in order to illumine and enrich the Individual with the knowledge of God of life and of culture that would make the person a well – integrated Christian.

To BUILD a community based on love, peace, brotherhood and justice by learning and living in a faith – oriented community, children become caring, concerned and responsible members of the total human community.

To SERVE the human community through prayers, quality teaching and social action. In the process of serving young people, we grow in service to others and the community.


Guided by our core values of Honesty, Obedience, Prayer, Empathy and Responsible Stewards of God’s Creation, we are producing graduates that are good Christians and responsible citizens concerned for the welfare of others with a great sense of self – respect, love of truth and self – control.

  • Honesty: Not to take deliberately what belongs to other persons. Lost things should be returned to their owners.

  • Obedience: Following the advises of our parents, elders and teachers to do good always.

  • Prayer: Making efforts of becoming closer to God – the source of our strength.

  • Empathy: Thinking before doing. Doing unto others what we want others will do unto us.

  • Responsible Stewards of God’s Creation: Developing a strong concern for the environment and maintenance of ecological balance.

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