SFAS offers Math and Reading enhancement classes to all pre-schoolchildren. The Math and Reading enhancement classes are given as a support to the pre-school child in Math and Reading lessons. It also enriches and expands the child’s comprehension in numeracyand literacy skills during their formative years.
Math and Reading enhancement classes help build up the child’s self-confidence and mastery of the content based on the given materials.
To help the elementary pupils excel in the academic, SFAS offers the following programs:
Tutorials (follow-up in all subjects) during dismissal time.
Parent-teachers conference every FRIDAY from 3:00-4:00 pm. This is for the parents who wish to confer with the teachers the progress of their child both in academic and behaviour. Please call the Principal’s Office in advance for appointment.
Guidance Counselling. It helps incorporate valuable lessons in the life of the students. The Guidance counselling includes career paths, problem-solving skills, shapes student’s behaviour; and instills self-discipline.
Piano Lessons. It can help to improve child’s hand and eye coordination, focus and concentration in life.
Assistance and guidance are also given to all high school students through the following services:
Tutorials (follow-up in all subjects) during dismissal time.
Parent-teachers conference every THURSDAY from 3:00-4:00 pm. This is for the parents who wish to confer with the teachers the progress of their child both in academic and behaviour. Please call the Principal’s Office in advance for appointment.
Guidance Counselling. It helps incorporate valuable lessons in the life of the students. The Guidance counselling includes career paths, problem-solving skills, shapes student’s behaviour; and instills self-discipline.
Piano Lessons. It can help to improve child’s hand and eye coordination, focus and concentration in life.
Career Assessments: Aside from the career assessments tests given by the Department of Education (DepEd) to determine and guide the students in choosing their careers, the school also avails the services of the Global Resources for Assessment Curriculum and Evaluation (GRACE), a private provider to help and assist the high school students in choosing the courses to take in college.
Clubs. High School students are given the freedom to choose from the different clubs offered by the school ccording to their interest and passions.